ACDC 4 You: Artistic Creativity Development Course for You
What is the project about?
“ACDC 4 You: Artistic Creativity Development Course for You” is a European transnational partnership project promoting the development of adults’ creativity through using creative processes of participatory music and raising awareness of creativity as a crucial and the most coveted skill for the future economies across Europe and the globe. The project consolidates the competencies of adult educators and musicians for developing innovative resources introducing a new type of trainers prepared to teach adults’ creativity.
What is our aim?
The main aim of the project is to equip adult educators, musicians and other cultural workers – as individuals the most vulnerable to economic shocks, such as those created by the COVID-19 crisis – with the skills and knowledge necessary to become successful facilitators of music-based creativity trainings for adults and at the same time gain creative confidence and develop “creativity literacy” themselves.
What are the project outputs?
- Collection of best practice examples on creativity training for adults with specific focus on participatory music as a means to create the conditions necessary to unleash the creativity potential
- Artistic Creativity Development Curriculum – a 25-hour Train the Trainer Programme for musicians and adult educators as creativity trainers
- A set of Creativity Labs – participatory-music based experiential training workshops to develop ideation, creative thinking, problem solving, collaboration skills in teams
- Creativity Workbook – an interactive publication consisting of up to 50 different practical exercises and hands-on activities for individual “creativity literacy” training.
Who we are?
The project brings together the capacity of 5 organisations – two adult education providers, a professional theatre and film company, a non-profit cooperative and an SME specialised in marketing and communication from 5 EU countries:
- Soros International House – coordinator, Lithuania
- Smashing Times Theatre Company Limited, Ireland
- KU TU EOOD, Bulgaria
Here you can download the products of the ACDC 4 YOU project https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11mKPCEe2JbaUIyeP4t4OgvLJK1tuBjqu
Additional information about ACDC 4 You Project is available at https://bit.ly/3eHjfw2,
or please email us at: office@kutu-bg.eu
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